What We Do

Tom Hickman, P.E., Director of Public Works, City of Bend, Oregon
“I would strongly recommend anyone considering undertaking an optimization project to engage WCS Engineering. We knew that Optimatics software in the wrong hands would lead us to results that were no more helpful than using traditional hydraulic modeling tools. WCS helped develop the confidence needed of our citizen committee, and more importantly, produced very real and defensible results saving our community over $40M of capital investment.”

Strategic Planning
- Big picture, holistic, long-term strategy
- Water industry best practice
- Customized to suit local challenges
- Integration of advanced technology and skill sets
- Balance community / environmental goals and

- Intelligent algorithm optimization using cloud computing
- Holistic, system-wide analysis of alternatives
- Life-cycle cost minimization
- Prioritized sequence of project implementation
to maximize ROI

Existing System Optimization
- Maximize efficiency of existing assets
- Minimize power costs and carbon footprint
- Improve level of service for existing customers
- Real-time control strategies

Digital Water Solutions
- Asset data digitization
- Hydraulic model development
- Model calibration based on field monitoring
- Population and climate change growth forecasting

Geospatial & Data Analytics
- Asset mapping using ESRI ArcGIS
- Digital reporting using online dashboards
- Pipe leakage, blockage and break analysis
- Maximize life-span of existing assets
Learn More About What We Do